The fictional Italian ocean liner ANTONIA GRAZA from the 2002 horror film 'Ghost Ship', a film about a salvage crew that discover a derelict haunted ocean liner in the Bearing Strait. She is mostly based on the real life ocean liners ANDREA DORIA, CRISTOFORO COLOMBO and LEONARDO da VINCI with a few other ships thrown in there too.

A 46 foot (14 meter) model of the ship, numerous interior sets and a life sized mock up of her bow were built for the film. The model had all of its starboard side kept clean for the opening shots and its port side weathered and rusted up for scenes later on.


The fictional Soviet ballistic missile submarine RED OCTOBER (modified Project 941 ‘Akula/Typhoon’ Class) that was featured in both the book by Tom Clancy and film 'The Hunt for Red October' directed by John McTiernan.

She is described as a modified and slightly larger version of the Russian 'Typhoon Class' nuclear submarine, still the largest class of submarines ever built. She sports 26 missile tubes instead of the usual 20 found on normal Typhoons, a towed sonar array and is fitted with a new type of silent propulsion system.

For the film, two scale models of the Red October were built, a 21 foot model (which is what I based this drawing upon) and smaller 4 foot model. A nearly full scale above the waterline mock up of the submarine was also constructed (as seen in the films opening sequence).